Student Ratings


What Students Say

Brian was really interesting and funny. Story sports was my favourite - it was fun and competitive. I am very competitive! I loved going every day.
- Eva (10) - Southwell School camp
That it was all about my favourite subject, and I learnt new stuff about it, also all the fun games that we played.
- Elissa (12) - Kristin School camp
The best thing was the direct feedback from the author about your writing I also enjoyed the 'guess the book from the cover/first line' game.
- Ruby (14) - Our Lady of the Sacred Heart Catholic PS camp
It was all amazing
- Piper (11) - HOTA Home of the Arts camp
I enjoyed the games and the worksheets, the advice and the tips were really helpful.
- Violet (14) - Scots College camp
The games spiced things up a bit and it was really funny doing Story Sports. Also I enjoyed writing with my group.
- Gabriella (10) - Raroa Intermediate camp
Everything. I loved the mix of games and teaching! It was great to write my own story.
- Siyala (10) - Raroa Intermediate camp
Covers and lines
- Bailey (10) - Remarkables Primary School camp
Getting to learn about the different elements of the camp. Also, playing the story sports.
- Olivia (13) - Radford College camp
Pretty much everything! Amy Laurens was really nice and I really liked her way of teaching us. I would love to go to another workshop like this especially if Amy is teaching us. :D
- Tara (10) - Radford College camp
The most enjoyable activity during this one day coarse was: a writing related games activity(story sports). Story sports is a team activity which encourages team mates to work with each other. This activity also involved a competitive nature as it was a competition with varying prizes. In conclusion Story sports was a fun activity that encouraged competitive writing for younger children.
- Yazhini (10) - Radford College camp
It taught me a lot, especially about the narration, description, dialogue, action and inner thoughts. That really helped improve my writing. The Covers & Lines game was really enjoyable, and I do Lit Quiz so I had a head start. Thank you, Brian.
- Jule (13) - Tauranga Intermediate camp
Meeting new people and getting to share my story with other kids around my age who can help me expand on my idea.
- Zoe (13) - Tauranga Intermediate camp
Awesome people, cool activities, and an all round good environment
- Anna (12) - Radford College camp
Learning how to properly write a story, like an author. Also meeting a real-life author writing books that I can read and understand (I love fantasy fiction). And having great interesting ways to learn how to do exactly what is above (story sports, the workbook. It was much better than school no offense).
- Chelsea (10) - Radford College camp
writing the stories for the book and Covers & Lines.
- Annika (12) - Southwell School camp
The serious and the fun activities were well balanced for the time period.
- Ashton (14) - Holy Cross School camp
I learnt so many new things and writing will be so much easier now. I learnt when to change your chapters and how to not make your reader bored.
- Chloe (12) - Southwell School camp
The best thing was being able to feel that becoming a writer isn't a dream, it is a possibility.
- Philip (12) - Mapura Studios camp
I really loved the variety of strategies we learned. I learnt how to develop my characters further, and new ways to show not tell about them.
- Chloe (11) - St Margaret's College camp
What was the best thing about the camp for you: I learnt so much that I didn't know before. There is so much (more) to writing a book than I thought. What did you learn that is the most useful for your writing: Structure, editing, publishing - pretty much all of it was helpful. Was there anything that you would have liked to have covered on the camp that wasn't: No.
- Emily (12) - Sancta Maria College camp
What was the best thing about the camp for you: The competition that we did and the really detailed workbook and presentation. What did you learn that is the most useful for your writing: How to make your stories interesting - suspense, cliffhanger, dramatic irony, etc... Was there anything that you would have liked to have covered on the camp that wasn't: No!
- Johann (12) - Sancta Maria College camp
What was the best thing about the camp for you: Story sports. What did you learn that is the most useful for your writing: All most everything. Was there anything that you would have liked to have covered on the camp that wasn't: No.
- kinson (12) - Sancta Maria College camp
It was a really fun way to learn new tips and tricks to improve my writing, and I will use the advice for my stories! The most useful for my writing was planning a story, what a good story needs, story structure, how to hook readers in and keep them reading.
- Kirsten (13) - St Margaret's College camp
The best thing was how Mr Falkner wrote a story along with us. It really helped me come up with my own ideas. The most useful for my writing was the 'formula' for writing stories and hooks, cliffhangers, etc.
- Sarah (12) - St Margaret's College camp
What was the best thing about the camp for you: The best thing in this camp was learning and going to different sessions that improve my writing and imaginative skills. What did you learn that is the most useful for your writing: I learnt that suspense and tension can keep readers wanting to read which is pretty important for me. Was there anything that you would have liked to have covered on the camp that wasn't: No.
- Zachary (12) - Sancta Maria College camp
I loved everything from the writing and learning to the fun games! I learned how to create a connection between a character and the reader. Any suggestions for future camps - perhaps another day :)
- Abby (12) - Whangaparaoa School camp
Star rating - 1 million. I really enjoyed learning new writing techniques and I realised how important planning and character developing is. The most useful was the planning techniques. Anything changed? Nope, it was perfect!
- Baxter (12) - Whangaparaoa School camp
Learning how to make a movie tagline (I used it for my title), how to make tension in my story. The most useful was the high tension, to hook, narration, and much more. It was so amazing, I'm so glad I came.
- Ashlee (13) - Tauranga Girls College camp
I loved doing the planning because it helped me get on track with my story. The most useful was doing the inner thoughts, action, dialogue and description.
- Dhansheel (10) - Tauranga Girls College camp
The best thing about camp was to be able to write a story while learning new stuff as you go along. It makes editing your story much easier because the techniques you learn are fresh in your mind. The most useful was that emotions give a lot of impact in your story. They give your characters personality. To start your story with action and dialogue is the best way possible.
- Izabella (13) - Tauranga Girls College camp
Best thing was learning how to write, and most useful for my writing was the 'what if' and 'show not tell'.
- Jim (12) - Tauranga Girls College camp
I really enjoyed how everyone had a good interest in writing so no one would sit there looking bored all the time. I really thought that the show and tell exercises were most useful because they helped me describe parts instead of telling.
- Lauren (13) - Tauranga Girls College camp
I met new friends and had so much fun. I love writing! The most useful for my writing was how to form a story.
- Maia (9) - Tauranga Girls College camp
Best thing was learning how to write. The most useful 'what if'.
- Peter (11) - Tauranga Girls College camp
I got tops and instructions from a real author. This has helped me get more knowledge about writing and planning. The most useful for my writing was how to think of ideas and keep the reader interested and in suspense.
- Romy (11) - Tauranga Girls College camp
I met a lot of new people who I really enjoyed working with. Reading the workbook and learning the planning structure were the best thing about the camp for me. The entire planning structure was so helpful as it helped me organise my ideas. I will definitely refer to the workbook in future pieces of writing. Show not Tell, keeping suspense were also useful.
- Sukhleen (14) - Tauranga Girls College camp
Making new friends and learning more about writing. The most useful was the different types of writing style aka narrative, action, dialogue, etc.
- Susie (11) - Tauranga Girls College camp
The most useful thing was how to make your reader connect with the main character and feel what they are feeling.
- Naeoumi Ysabela Cabigao (13) - Monte Sant' Angelo College camp
Mr Falkner was the best thing because he was very engaging and humorous and made the course interesting and fun.
- Olivia (15) - Monte Sant' Angelo College camp
I met some amazing people and had loads of fun, but the best part for me had to be what I learnt.
- Bella (13) - Immanuel Lutheran College camp
I really enjoyed writing a story and getting feedback as well as learning so many helpful skills for writing in the future. The most useful things were learning how to create conflict and how to develop characters was very interesting and useful. I also like learning about how to create suspense.
- Daisy (13) - Immanuel Lutheran College camp
I loved meeting other young authors like myself and learning awesome techniques that will help to assist me in my writing.
- Gabriella (14) - Immanuel Lutheran College camp
My favourite thing about camp was learning new strategies on how to write better stories. I learnt more on this camp than I did in 2 years of English.
- Jack (11) - Immanuel Lutheran College camp
The most useful thing was how to hook the reader and plan your story.
- Josh (14) - Immanuel Lutheran College camp
I really enjoyed the atmosphere created by this camp. It created a safe feeling place to share our thoughts and ideas. The Plant and Payoff lesson was the most beneficial, I feel, because it corrected some issues I feel I had made with previous pieces of writing. It was overall a great experience.
- Logan (15) - Immanuel Lutheran College camp
I enjoyed learning about new writing techniques and I believe they will definitely improve my writing. I like meeting new people and making new friends and collaborating about our stories during breaks.
- Melita (12) - Immanuel Lutheran College camp
The best thing was the story sports and story writing. The most useful thing was the story structure and how to make your readers like your characters.
- Tyler (9) - Immanuel Lutheran College camp
The information was given in a funny way and the people were nice and had a lot of good activities. I learnt a lot while having fun.
- Viktoria (13) - Immanuel Lutheran College camp
The best thing was meeting other kids who love writing as much as I do. The most useful thing was how to thoroughly plan and develop characters.
- Aislinn (11) - Raroa Intermediate camp
I loved everything from meeting new people to learning how to write. It's stuff I never knew.
- Ava (13) - Raroa Intermediate camp
StorySports was so fun because there was so many fun activities. I think that the suspense techniques were very helpful.
- Edie (11) - Raroa Intermediate camp
The best thing for me was the interactive learning and the concentrated writing time. Also how we all got to use our imaginations.
- Ruby (12) - Raroa Intermediate camp
This camp was a whirlwind of fun and surprises.
- Annika (15) - Somerset College camp
I loved all of the wonderful activities we did! They were all so fun and we always learned so much!
- Eve (11) - Somerset College camp
I really enjoy this camp because I meet and make new friends, and have a chance to write a story in a friendly and encouraging environment.
- Simone (12) - John Paul College camp
The best thing was learning about my inner author.
- Scott (12) - Mountainview High School camp
It made writing easier for me and explained aspects of stories I didn't really understand.
- Anna (12) - Southwell School camp

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Operated by Falkner Specialty Books